

早川知志の研究用ホームページです (English)。

2024年3月からソニーグループ株式会社にいます。2020年10月から2024年1月まで、オックスフォード大学大学院数学研究科で博士課程をしていました (博士論文)。専門は確率論と数値解析、特にランダム凸包とカーネル求積です。

e-mail: hayakawa [at]
Google Scholar: link


  • Distillation of Discrete Diffusion through Dimensional Correlations (arXiv, will be presented at NeurIPS 2024 Workshop on Machine Learning and Compression)
  • Jump Your Steps: Optimizing Sampling Schedule of Discrete Diffusion Models (arXiv)
  • 2024.04
    オックスフォード大学数学研究科の昨年の博士論文賞(DPhil Thesis Prize) に選ばれました。(link)
    サイバーエージェント AI Labでのインターンの内容をまとめた論文 "Policy Gradient with Kernel Quadrature" (joint work with Tetsuro Morimura) が Transactions on Machine Learning Research に出版されました。
    昨年11/30に博士論文の最終審査が行われ、2024/01/16付で正式に審査を通過しました。 博士論文が公開されています。
    論文 "Adaptive Batch Sizes in Active Learning: A Probabilistic Numerics Approach" がAISTATS 2024にアクセプトされました。 (arXiv)
    ICML 2023のプロシーディングスに2件の論文が出版されました。
  • Sampling-based Nyström Approximation and Kernel Quadrature (proceedings)
  • Quantum Ridgelet Transform: Winning Lottery Ticket of Neural Networks with Quantum Computation (proceedings)
  • 2023.05
  • Hypercontractivity meets random convex hulls: analysis of randomized multivariate cubatures (Proceedings of the Royal Society A)
  • Convergence analysis of approximation formulas for analytic functions via duality for potential energy minimization (Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
  • 2023.01
    論文 "Estimating the probability that a given vector is in the convex hull of a random sample" が Probability Theory and Related Fields に出版されました。
    Preferred Networksでの夏季インターンの内容をまとめたテックブログが公開されました。
    NeurIPS 2022に2件の論文がアクセプトされました。
    • Positively weighted kernel quadrature via subsampling (arXiv)
    • Fast Bayesian inference with batch Bayesian quadrature via kernel recombination (arXiv)



    1. Satoshi Hayakawa, Yuhta Takida, Masaaki Imaizumi, Hiromi Wakaki, Yuki Mitsufuji. (2024). Distillation of discrete diffusion through dimensional correlations (arXiv)
    2. Yong-Hyun Park, Chieh-Hsin Lai, Satoshi Hayakawa, Yuhta Takida, Yuki Mitsufuji. (2024). Jump your steps: optimizing sampling schedule of discrete diffusion models (arXiv)
    3. Masaki Adachi, Satoshi Hayakawa, Martin Jørgensen, Saad Hamid, Harald Oberhauser, Michael A Osborne. (2024). A quadrature approach for general-purpose batch Bayesian optimization via probabilistic lifting (arXiv)


    1. Satoshi Hayakawa, Tetsuro Morimura. (2024). Policy gradient with kernel quadrature, Transactions on Machine Learning Research, published online. (link)
    2. Masaki Adachi, Satoshi Hayakawa, Xingchen Wan, Martin Jørgensen, Vu Nguyen, Harald Oberhauser, Michael A Osborne. (2024). Adaptive batch sizes in active learning: a probabilistic numerics approach, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2024), accepted. (arXiv)
    3. Satoshi Hayakawa and Ken'ichiro Tanaka. (2024). Convergence analysis of approximation formulas for analytic functions via duality for potential energy minimization, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 41, 105-127. (link)
    4. Masaki Adachi, Satoshi Hayakawa, Saad Hamid, Martin Jørgensen, Harald Oberhauser, Michael A Osborne. (2023). SOBER: highly parallel Bayesian optimization and Bayesian quadrature over discrete and mixed spaces, ICML 2023 Workshop: Sampling and Optimization in Discrete Space. (arXiv)
    5. Hayata Yamasaki, Sathyawageeswar Subramanian, Satoshi Hayakawa, Sho Sonoda. (2023). Quantum ridgelet transform: winning lottery ticket of neural networks with quantum computation, Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023), 39008-39034. (arXiv, proceedings)
    6. Satoshi Hayakawa, Harald Oberhauser and Terry Lyons. (2023). Sampling-based Nyström approximation and kernel quadrature, Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023), 12678-12699. (arXiv, proceedings)
    7. Satoshi Hayakawa, Harald Oberhauser and Terry Lyons. (2023). Hypercontractivity meets random convex hulls: analysis of randomized multivariate cubatures, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 479(2273), 20220725. (link)
    8. Satoshi Hayakawa, Terry Lyons and Harald Oberhauser. (2023). Estimating the probability that a given vector is in the convex hull of a random sample, Probability Theory and Related Fields, 185, 705-746. (link)
    9. Masaki Adachi*, Satoshi Hayakawa*, Martin Jørgensen, Harald Oberhauser and Michael A Osborne. (2022). Fast Bayesian inference with batch Bayesian quadrature via kernel recombination, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022), 16533-16547. (*equal contribution, arXiv, proceedings)
    10. Satoshi Hayakawa, Harald Oberhauser and Terry Lyons. (2022). Positively weighted kernel quadrature via subsampling, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022), 6886-6900. (arXiv, proceedings)
    11. Satoshi Hayakawa and Ken'ichiro Tanaka. (2022). Monte Carlo construction of cubature on Wiener space, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 39(2), 543-571. (link)
    12. Satoshi Hayakawa. (2021). Monte Carlo cubature construction, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 38(2), 561-577. (link)
    13. Satoshi Hayakawa and Ken'ichiro Tanaka. (2020). Error bounds of potential theoretic numerical integration formulas in weighted Hardy spaces, JSIAM Letters, 12, 21-24. (link)
    14. Satoshi Hayakawa and Taiji Suzuki. (2020). On the minimax optimality and superiority of deep neural network learning over sparse parameter spaces, Neural Networks, 123, 343-361. (link)
    15. Hisashi Hayakawa, Yusuke Ebihara, David P Hand, Satoshi Hayakawa, Sandeep Kumar, Shyamoli Mukherjee and B Veenadhari. (2018). Low-latitude Aurorae during the Extreme Space Weather Events in 1859, The Astrophysical Journal, 869(1), 57. (link)
    16. Hisashi Hayakawa, Yusuke Ebihara, José M Vaquero, Kentaro Hattori, Víctor MS Carrasco, María de la Cruz Gallego, Satoshi Hayakawa, Yoshikazu Watanabe, Kiyomi Iwahashi, Harufumi Tamazawa, Akito D Kawamura and Hiroaki Isobe. (2018). A great space weather event in February 1730, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 616, A177. (link)
    17. Hisashi Hayakawa, Yusuke Ebihara, David M. Willis, Kentaro Hattori, Alessandra S. Giunta, Matthew N. Wild, Satoshi Hayakawa, Shin Toriumi, Yasuyuki Mitsuma, Lee T. Macdonald, Kazunari Shibata, and Sam M. Silverman. (2018). The Great Space Weather Event during 1872 February Recorded in East Asia, The Astrophysical Journal, 862(1), 15. (link)



    1. Nyström approximation and convex kernel quadrature, ICIAM 2023, Tokyo, August 24, 2023.
    2. Positively weighted kernel quadrature and a refined analysis of Nyström approximation, IFAM Seminar, Liverpool, March 22, 2023.
    3. Positively weighted kernel quadrature and a refined analysis of Nyström approximation, Probabilistic methods, Signatures, Cubature and Geometry, York, January 9, 2023.
    4. Hypercontractivity meets random convex hulls: analysis of randomized multivariate cubatures, Berlin SPDE Seminar, Berlin, November 10, 2022.
    5. Random convex hull, cubature, hypercontractivity, 50th Saint-Flour Probability Summer School, Saint-Flour, July 11-23, 2022.
    6. Random convex hull, cubature, hypercontractivity, York University Stochastic Analysis Seminar, York, June 13, 2022.
    7. Random convex hull, cubature, hypercontractivity, 15th Berlin-Oxford Young Researchers Meeting on Applied Stochastic Analysis, Berlin, May 12-14, 2022.
    8. Random convex hull, cubature, hypercontractivity, Toulouse Probability Seminar, Toulouse, May 10, 2022.
    9. Random convex hull, cubature, hypercontractivity, QIP-QML 2022, Vienna, 3/10, 2022.
    10. Random convex hull, cubature, hypercontractivity, Rough Path Interest Group at DataSig, Online, 1/26, 2022.
    11. Estimating the probability that a given vector is in the convex hull of a random sample, 14th Oxford-Berlin Young Researchers Meeting on Applied Stochastic Analysis, Online, 2/10-12, 2021.


    1. ランダム凸包による期待値近似とベイズ求積法, 統計関連学会連合大会, 京都, 9/3-7, 2023.
    2. ランダム凸包による期待値近似とベイズ求積法, 確率論ヤングサマーセミナー, 京都, 8/28-31, 2023.
    3. 最適化を用いないカーネル求積公式の構成法, 日本応用数理学会年会, 札幌, 9/8-10, 2022.
    4. Recombination, ランダム凸包, カーネル求積, 東京確率論セミナー, オンライン, 4/18, 2022.
    5. Random convex hull, cubature, hypercontractivity 確率論早春セミナー, オンライン, 3/7, 2022.
    6. ランダム凸包とカーネル求積, 確率論若手セミナー・オンライン, 8/23, 2021.
    7. 数値積分のための点過程とサブサンプリング, 実社会に見られる複雑なネットワークと無限粒子系の交差点II, オンライン, 8/19, 2021.
    8. Estimating the probability that a given vector is in the convex hull of a random sample, 関西大学確率論セミナー, オンライン, 4/24, 2021.
    9. 最適化によるcubatureの構成とそのcubature on Wiener spaceへの応用, 確率論若手セミナー・オンライン, 9/7-10, 2020.
    10. モンテカルロ法によるcubature公式の構成, 日本応用数理学会 第16回 研究部会連合発表会, 東京, 3/4-5, 2020.
    11. Convergence analysis of approximation formulas for analytic functions via duality for potential energy minimization, 第82回 金沢解析セミナー, 金沢, 1/15, 2020.
    12. スパースなパラメータ空間における深層ニューラルネットワークのミニマックス最適性および優位性について, 統計関連学会連合大会, 滋賀, 9/8-12, 2019. (スライド)
    13. 双対性による関数近似公式および数値積分公式の収束解析, 日本応用数理学会年会, 東京, 9/3-5, 2019.


    Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics, the University of Oxford. (博士論文)

    指導教員: Terry Lyons教授・Harald Oberhauser准教授

    東京大学 修士 (情報理工学)


    東京大学 学士 (工学)


